Friday, September 10, 2010

Back In MY Day...

I was just having a conversation with some co-workers about elementary school recess. And seriously — what was WRONG with us back then?

I mean, did you guys play that game where you ran UP the slide and tried to PUSH the kids at the top OFF? The one where you'd STAND precariously balanced on TOP of the monkey bars and then JUMP OFF into a measly pit of sand? Or the one where you'd pile 6 kids on one end of the see-saw and then JUMP OFF and let the kid on the other end SLAM INTO THE GROUND?

What the FUCK were we THINKING??

At my school, we had one gym teacher who was also a recess monitor and he would actually PICK KIDS UP by one arm and one leg, swing them around in a circle, and then just LET GO. Swear to God. And we would LINE UP for this! Two kids got broken collarbones before the school finally did something about it. Not just one kid, but TWO. Like, oh, one might have just been an accident — carry on!

Ah, the good old days...


  1. Um. Maybe that's the way they did it in urban schools. We didn't play that way in the country. We did have farm equipment, though, so I guess six of one, half dozen of another...

  2. This wasn't exactly "urban" -- I grew up on Long Island. Very suburban, privileged-type place. I mean, we had grass and trees and baseball fields. We were apparently just insane. :D

  3. Yup. Jersey Shore's got nuttin on youse
