Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jersey Bore

Several months ago, there was an article in my company newsletter concerning the New Jersey Service Center. This article reported that the employees of the New Jersey Service Center had recently worn hats and jerseys representing their favorite baseball teams. A corresponding photograph of this newsworthy event was included.

Commentary ensued.

Meekey: "Also, did you read the blurb on the bottom of page 4? Why is donning baseball caps news? I think the New Jersey Service Center is starving for attention: 'Hey, don't forget about us! We work here too, y'know!'"
Me: "LOL! 'Today, the New Jersey office wore pants.'"
Meekey: "I can just picture the meeting:
'Okay guys, the next newsletter is only 2 weeks away. Let's brainstorm!'
'Well, we haven't really accomplished anything.'
'And we don't really do anything except ship books to the rest of the country.'
'I know! Baseball season is coming up! Let's wear hats and take a picture outside our building!'
'Brilliant! Who says New York has all the best ideas?'"
Me: "'We don't even have a baseball team in our state, but heck, let's do it!'"
Meekey: "I was thinking the same thing. In order to get any attention, they had to borrow something from us. They took the Giants; they took the Statue of Liberty. I remember one time a guy from the Jersey Center was in the newsletter because he wrote a poem! And the poem sucked, btw, even by my low standards."
Me: "A Haiku:
New Jersey is just
as cool as New York. Look at
us — we're wearing hats!"


  1. where've you been? It's been a week since you posted this.....

    hope all is well!

  2. I was moving! I don't have Internet access at home yet, and it's been busy at work the last few days. I'll be back soon, promise. :)
