Friday, May 7, 2010

"MTA" Doesn't Stand For "Macho Testosterone Asshole"

No lie, there was a guy in my subway car last night doing chin-ups on the ceiling bar.

Not even in front of an empty seat, but with people sitting right in front of him. I'm sure he really impressed them with his manly and daring display of strength, as well as with his stylish ensemble consisting of a wifebeater and shorts hanging off his ass.

And I'm really pissed he got off at the stop right before mine because I was all ready to walk up to him and be like, "Hey, that's a great trick! Want to see another one?" and do a Firefly spin on the "stripper" pole next to him. Because I know without a doubt that would have aroused his caveman interest, and when he then predictably tried to hit on me, I could have actually used the line, "Sorry, you're a douche."

Man, that would have been priceless.


  1. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. What a douche. It would have been funny if someone had pantsed him, too.

  2. HAHAHA!

    Love them when they get Neardenthal!!
    Think! we let these specimens rule the world... :/

  3. When I see my husband and his two brothers in front of the TV watching Gladiator for the 1,000th time, I always get to the painful conclusion that not only men have a hopeless aggressive instinct, but they all are narcissist homosexuals.

  4. Yes and we could so run with that conclusion and use it in our favor except for the fact that we read fashion magazines and watch America's Next Top Model....

  5. Yes, but women will admit that another woman is attractive: "I like Top Model because Nicole's pictures are very pretty." Guys would never say "I'm watching Gladiator because Russell Crowe's got abs of steel."

  6. Heterosexual men like ass
    Self-explanatory, I think!

