Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 3

So, several years ago, I was at Tattoo Lou's, skimming through some portfolios, waiting for the manager to come back out and finalize the plans for my [still unfinished] masterpiece. While I'm waiting, 3 different girls come in, all separately, but when the guy behind the counter asks each of them if he can help them with anything, all 3 of them answer the same thing:


One wants them on her ankle, another just had one done on her back, the other one was thinking about getting one but isn't sure yet. After the last one leaves — and before another one gets a chance to come in and make the same request — I go over to one of the artists, trying to keep a straight face, and ask about how many girls come in here asking for butterflies? What's the percentage, roughly? He shakes his head and says "Honestly, about one out of every three."

I must have caught them on a good night.

*On a completely unrelated note, on the way home, 3 different radio stations were playing 3 different Fallout Boy songs all at the same time. Conspiracy? You be the judge!


  1. Chinese meaning of #3
    The first offspring from the union of numbers 1 and 2, number three is forever linked with the sanctity of life, progeny and childbirth.

    I just love spiritual bullshit ... LMAO!

  2. 3 is a goddess number. It's the pagan trinity. I'm into this stuff. :)

  3. Three is one less child than I have. HA! Get deeper than childbirth. Wow. I'm getting meaner by the minute.

  4. @TCHC: You've read my Kate Gosselin post, right? Childbirth ain't exactly my thing... :P

    @Olioli: Um...Dalia's Israeli. :D

  5. Я горд израильских!

  6. Yeah, I read it and I agreed with you, remember? Too late now, though. Should have got to me before I was young and fertile.

  7. @TCHC: I meant no offense, it wasn't personal. I'm sure you're a great mom, and I DO think childbirth is "deep." It's one of the reasons I know I'm not ready for it. It's got a very spiritual link, the Divine Feminine and all that. Told you I was into this stuff. :)

  8. Nobody's ready for childbirth!
    If you ever get ready is by actually being a mom.
    Spiritual? Try hard work!
    I have 2 daughters, and still not sure I am ready :D

  9. Jeez, you have kids, too? How did I not know this??

  10. Surprise surprise surprise!!!

    Not only I have 2 daughters, my big one is a 19 year old soldier!

  11. Damn! Good for her. Is that a mandatory thing?
