Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yet Another Reason Why I Love My Sister, But Not In A Creepy "Flowers In The Attic" Kind Of Way

Seeking reassurance after a recent crisis of confidence, via e-mail...

Li'l Sis: "You should have all the confidence in the world! You look wonderful, you're hysterical and you're freaking smart!"

...then two lines down...

Li'l Sis: "This is why I am going to start eating men alive."

...she always knows just how I feel. :)


  1. So, besides loving GaGa, and The Beatles, she seems pretty cool!

    oops! :)

  2. Yeah, Becca, you just let that pass. Dalia is baiting you. Or maybe me? L'il Sis knows where it is at. AND she's a maneater. We like.

  3. No, Becca chose not to address the subject.
    She's trying a different approach...

    Her cannibal sister really likes that music! :)

  4. I chose not to address the subject because we discussed this on Twitter. :P

    Yes, my sister is a HUGE Beatles fan, and a HUGE GaGa fan. More than me, even. She even dressed up as her for Halloween. I was Adam Lambert. :D Read my "Trick Or Treat" post -- there's pictures!

  5. Now D - I can agree with you on GaGa, but the Beatles? How can you NOT love the Beatles? Or at least respect them??

  6. I do respect them... I just think they are highly overrated.

  7. I'm with Dalia re: Beatles. I like some of it. Also think John Lennon was way full of himself.
