Friday, April 9, 2010

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better

"Why am I in love with a gay man?!"
"At least you're not in love with someone you've never even met."
"At least you have a shot!"
"But he doesn't even know who I am!"
"Ok, fine, you win."


  1. If you're in love with a gay man maybe it's because he is connected to his female side, and you feel attracted to that. So, maybe you are a gay woman?
    And if that gay man you love, is attracted to a man that looks and acts like a woman, maybe he is an unaware straight man?
    Or if that gay man you love, is attracted to a man that looks and acts like a man, maybe he could also feel attracted to your tomboyish personality?

    I feel tired...
    You better go and find someone else to love! :P

  2. Gay men are often easy to love. Works better if you are also another Gay man, though. Have you considered a sex change? At least he probably also loves Lady GaGa. I'm being a smartass because you have implanted a song in my head that I do NOT want in there. Song. Get Out My Head.

  3. Same here... I can't get rid of that song.
    The only way to forget about it is switching to another atrocious GaGa tune!

    Mum mum mum mah
    Mum mum mum mah

  4. Haha, thanks guys, but I'm not the one in love with the gay man. Shocking, I know... :)

    P-p-p-pokerface, p-p-pokerface...
