Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hassling Hasselbeck

According to The Daily News, Elisabeth Hasselbeck believes that "a lot of older lesbians would have turned out straight...if they could only land a man."

Well, I believe that a lot of former Survivor contestants wouldn't have become hosts of 'The View'...if they could only land a Playboy pictorial.

I also believe that stupid opinions like this wouldn't even be aired or considered...if only dim-witted, ignorant bimbos weren't hosts of a fatuous, asinine talk show.


  1. You're hassling back Hasselback? :D

  2. Oh God. I've always tried to like her but this time she's gone too far. I'm reminded of every narrow-minded do-gooder (wannabe) I've ever met. I don't understand why she is on television unless....maybe moste American women like her?????....could it be us??? Does not compute.

  3. @Dalia: Oh, you clever devil, you! :D

    @TCHC: I never even tried to like her. I don't understand how being a a former reality-TV contestant and married to a third-rate NFL player gets you a national audience for your fucked-up opinions, yet I'm still not famous...

  4. Dalia, I stole your witticism to re-title this post. I'll give you a percentage of the royalties...

  5. PERFECT! I'm rich! :D
