Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Take It Off!

Several Saturdays ago, I went to a midnight showing of Doc Wasabassco's Burlesque at Union Hall. One of the first thoughts to pop into my head upon my decision to attend this engagement was: "Finally! An excuse to wear my lavender feathered cocktail hat with my leopard-print pumps!"

Yes, these are the sort of things I spontaneously muse upon.

And before I go any further, let me just advise you all that when you're wearing stiletto heels, it is NOT a good idea to follow the HopStop directions that include the step "Walk 10 blocks south on 5th Ave."


I'm a big fan of burlesque (then again, I'm also of the opinion that pole dancing is a legitimate art form). Maybe it's a result of my third-wave feminist streak and love of unique and creative self-expression. Or maybe It's just because I like to look at pretty naked girls. Either way, it's fun. And as I briefly mentioned in this post, I'm also a big fan of the unorthodox and unusual. People usually associate burlesque with a kind of kitschy, old-fashioned flirtiness. Which is why when the stage went dark in preparation for this next dancer and I heard the opening strains of Tool's "Sober" — a decidedly unburlesque piece of music — I knew I was in for something interesting. And most likely unforgettable.

And boy, it was.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you...

Magdalena Fox's Sugar Skull/Day Of The Dead Piece

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At the end of the show, the male MC, Doc Wasabassco himself, surrounded on stage by 7 topless girls in g-strings, announced to the crowd: "Hi. This is my job. What do you do?"

I do believe I'll be back for more. :)

P.S.: In compliance with the requests made in this post, here is a partial pic of my heavenly headpiece:

1 comment:

  1. Stunning hat and I think pole dancing is an art form, sure. I probably would have worn flip flops for the walk though.
