Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself

Some of you (by which I mean — out of the whole 6 people who actually follow me — Dalia) may have noticed lately that I haven't exactly kept my promise to myself to post something every single day. And despite the fact that nothing of critical importance is dependent upon me posting something every single day, I still feel incredibly guilty for failing to live up to my own lofty self-imposed expectations. So by way of apology, redemption, and explanation, I offer you this tale from Hyperbole And A Half — by far one of the most oh-my-god-I-can't-breathe-from-laughing-so-hard hilarious blogs on the whole Interwebz — which is so precisely applicable to my life that I swear I must have somehow written it myself with my own subconscious:

This Is Why I'll Never Be An Adult.

So consider this my return from summer hiatus. I hope you enjoyed the reruns and are looking forward to the new season premiere. :)


  1. I think you mean, "my six who follow me and Dalia who stalks me"? I found you through hyperboleandahalf and I also love her-she is truly gifted, but I want to tell you I keep up with you more often. I like the give and take. I like the realness. I like your stalker. Rock on.

  2. Okay, so that was pretty awesome (as Ally, Allie?, would say) and I feel exactly the same way almost every day. Except. Oh my God, I'm 47 next week. Ally/Allie is 25. Shit. Whatever. You're awesome. I'm awesome. It will all be fine. That would make a good book...You're Awesome/I'm Awesome....wait....

  3. ALOHAAAAA!!!!

    That ain't no way to treat a stalker!
    You go for that hideous hiatus, and leave this no-life-stalker by herself?
    Remember TCHC & I need you here!

    <3 Welcome back!!!

  4. Yeah what she said. Uh. Where are you?


    I am truly sorry to have neglected my faithful stalker(s). You have my word, it will never happen again, unless it, uh...does.

    @TCHC: You found me from Hyperbole And A Half? How did that happen?

    I'm Awesome, You're Awesome, We All Scream For Awesome. :D
