Wednesday, July 28, 2010


A typical conversation between me and my co-workers at lunch:

Me, apropos of nothing: "Hey, remember Gumby's sister?"
Them: "What? Holy crap — I do! Wow, what made you think of that? Oh man, what was her name?"
Me: "Shit, I should remember this. It's on the tip of my tongue..."
Them: "Seriously?"
Me: "Of course! Damn it, I know this...OH! Wait — you know who would know? My brother."
Them: "Seriously?"
Me: "Yeah, he's obsessed with Gumby."
Them: "... Seriously?"
[text to brother]: "What was Gumby's sister's name?"

Less than one minute later...

[text from brother]: "Goo."
Me: "Yes! See? I told you!"
Them: "There is something seriously wrong with you."

Apparently it runs in the family.


  1. What can I say?
    Your family seems crazier that mine....


  2. Gumby. Green. Rubber. Big Eyebrows. That's all I remember. Do I fit in? Because I like your family.
