Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Erin Go Braless

I inadvertently wore a green sweater today, and now I'm worried that people will think I'm one of those dorks who dresses in theme for holidays. I'm hoping I can still retain a modicum of cool, however, since it's not Bedazzled. Thank heavens Banana Republic is classy like that.

Happy St. Hat Trick's Day everyone. May you find a shot of Goldschlager at the end of Reading Rainbow.


  1. I am one of those dorks that dresses in theme for the holiday, but this is the only one I do it for and that is because there is beer involved. Oh just wear your green sweater and go along with the rest of society. For one day. What can it hurt?

  2. Are you saving it for the 2010 Company Karaoke Contest?

  3. Oh man, I wish this place did karaoke contests! If you're referring to my breakout Tina Turner performance, that was at my last job. I do still have that minidress...

  4. And your pride? Guessing it is not green. That's right-was it electric blue?

  5. Becca is ridiculously proud, & proudly ridiculous!

  6. Ahhh, now I get it. Carry on, then.
