Saturday, March 6, 2010

Yet Another Reason Why I Am Going To Hell

Priest presiding over my baby cousin's baptism: "Do you reject Satan, the father of sin and prince of darkness?"
Me, whispering to my sister: "...and Ozzie Osbourne, Prince of Darkness?"

Yes, sadly, this is exactly how mature I am.


  1. OMG, that is soooo funny. I would've thought the same thing. I went to a wedding in a catholic church one time and noted how pleased I was when the holy water didn't begin boiling when I walked in. haha

  2. Rob Zombie is a better choice!
    Anyway, you needn't worry too much cause I truly believe God has a great sense of humor.

  3. I agree with Dalia. Of course, God might think it is truly funny to send newly dead people to hell. S/He'll be all like, "Ha! You are mine now not a sucka....shish ka bob, mwah ha ha ha".

  4. @His Girl: I'm with you. I'm honestly surprised every time I walk into a church and it isn't instantly struck by lightning. :)

    @Dalia: ZOMBIE! I didn't know you were a fan. High five! :)

  5. I can't believe it myself...but yes, I am a fan of that Lucifer! :-/
