Monday, March 15, 2010

Get A Damn Job

Via Twitter again:

negativeneil: I would rather pour salt in my urethra than write another cover letter. It's gotta be Kosher salt, though. I'm not a fucking maniac.

Have I mentioned that I love this man?


  1. Your Twitter updates are highly entertaining. As someone who would love to have fall in my lap a job that DOESN'T make me want to shoot myself, I feel Neil's pain. Cover letters are precisely the reason why I continue to show up for a job that DOES make me want to shoot myself (most of the time). So, instead of saying I'd rather pour salt in my urethra, I can just say I'd rather keep my current and wretched job than write cover letters.

    (I'm getting good at this stalker thing!)

  2. I just love his subtle style. Not prosaic at all...
    By his writing he elevates his readers to the highest spheres of spiritualism.
    I'm inspired!!!

    sigh... :D

  3. Why, thank you. :) As a writer, you'd think I'd be a cover letter ace, but I really have no idea. They give me panic attacks.

    Stalking is a fine art. :D

  4. And don't forget the noble and enlightening future career in pornography...

  5. One good thing about pornography:
    No cover, but "uncover" letters...
