Monday, February 8, 2010

The (Crown) Heights Of Fashion

Armchair fashion critic that I am, I can not let this pass without remark:

Just what every runway show needs — heavy artillery as footwear! Bravo, Bravo! Way to raise that tackiness bar!

In recognition of your fashion-forward ghetto-fabulousness, please accept this Official Alexander McQueen Deer Hoof/Ballet Slipper Award For Crazy-Ass Shoe Design:



  1. I'm going to buy these McQueen shoes...
    Thanks Alex...they look so comfortable!
    Love that Mrs. Piggy style!

    Haute couture designers are well knows as women lovers, you know? :)

  2. Haha! "Alex" is on a whole other level. I think he's really designing for aliens. That's the only reasonable explanation. Those "gang member couture" shoes on the other hand -- no excuse.

  3. I get don't mind me buying you a pair of Alex's shoes then...:)

    He has some 'pret a porter' beautiful clothes, but the 'haute couture' line is for the theater only.

  4. If you can afford a pair of those shoes, then yes, please buy me some, if only so I can re-sell them on eBay and make a fortune.

    All haute couture is kind of ridiculous. That's why I love it. :)

  5. Now I'm afraid of you Becca!

    RIP Alexander McQueen.
