Friday, February 19, 2010

We Are The World

"Save The Children" street-corner harasser: "Excuse me, ma'am, if I could have—"
Me, not slowing down: "No."
Harasser, following me to the subway: "—just one minute of your—"
Me, still walking: "NO."
Harasser: "But the children are starving!"
Me: "I'M starving! If you don't let me get home and eat, you're buying me dinner, so shut the fuck up!"

This happens at least once a week as I'm leaving work. Get a job, hippy.


  1. awwww. Poor street-corner harasser. See. This is why I would never survive in the city.

  2. Don't feel bad for them. They're obnoxious scam artists. Them and the goddamn tour bus people: I've seen the Empire State Building. In fact, I see it every single day. I LIVE here, morons. Get the hell out of my way!

  3. You English professor...
    I need to know the etymology of that funny MORON word,
    and if it's slang, tell me where did it come from. :)

    We use a similar word in Arab, but could use an equivalent in Hebrew...

  4. Main Entry: mo·ron
    Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-ˌän\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: irregular from Greek "mōros" foolish, stupid
    Date: 1910
    1 (usually offensive): a person affected with mild mental retardation
    2: a very stupid person

    — mo·ron·ic \mə-ˈrä-nik, mȯ-\ adjective
    — mo·ron·i·cal·ly \-ni-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
    — mo·ron·ism \ˈmȯr-ˌä-ˌni-zəm\ noun
    — mo·ron·i·ty \mə-ˈrä-nə-tē, mȯ-\ noun

  5. Funny Becca...thanks!
    Your non-moronic efficiency blew my mind :)

  6. LoL -- I use it at work to verify spelling. :)
