Monday, February 22, 2010

My Life In Song Titles

I love these stupid things. This one worked out particularly well.

Pick your Artist:
No Doubt

Are you a male or female:
Just A Girl

Describe yourself:
Hella Good

How do you feel:
Happy Now?

Describe where you currently live:
Tragic Kingdom

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Home Now

Your favourite form of transportation:

Your best friend is:
Rock Steady

You and your best friends are:
Different People

What's the weather like:
Blue In The Face

Favourite time of day:
Too Late

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Simple Kind Of Life

What is life to you:
It's My Life

Your relationship:

Your fear:
Trapped In A Box

What is the best advice you have to give:
You Can Do It

Thought for the Day:
In My Head

How I would like to die:
Making Out

My soul's present condition:
Comforting Lie

My motto:
Hey Baby

Thank you, Cleveland!


  1. What role did you like more, Becca the interviewer or Becca the interviewed? :)

  2. Interviewed, of course. I'm a total narcissist. :) Plus I have tremendous social anxiety -- I've never actually interviewed anyone in my life. I'd be like Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney on SNL: "Uh, remem--remember when you, uh, when you were in the Beatles? [pause] Wasn't that awesome?"

  3. Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney! LOL

    The list of your self-diagnosed psychological disorders is increasing...

    You need a good "shidaj" (Yiddish).

  4. ...or, at least, a good Zamboni!

  5. Oh, they're not just self-diagnosed. I've got a team of professionals in the psychiatric field who'll vouch for me.

    And if "shidaj" means what I think it means, I could ALWAYS use one of those... ;)

  6. No no no Becca!
    Shidaj* is not what you're imagining...that would be Zamboni :)

    Shidaj - Jewish word for matchmaking.
