Friday, February 26, 2010

Snow Day

This morning, I actually braved OMG SNOWPOCALYPSE!!! and forged my way to work because I have no vacation days left. Already. Yes, it's only February and I haven't even gone on a vacation yet. It's a long story...

So anyway, upon waking up, I call the office weather hotline, which clearly states that we are still open. Bastards. I call again — just in case — right before I leave: "Today is Friday, February 26th. The office is open for regular business hours." Bastards.

The cool part about going out in this ZOMG BLIZZARD!!! is that I get to wear my funky leopard-print snow boots. The not-so-cool part is that apparently no one in the vicinity knows how to properly utilize a snow shovel or operate a plow.

Amazingly, I don't break any bones or nails navigating the ice fields, though I do pull out a few impromptu crazy-slide dance moves. Also amazingly, the subways are running on or close to schedule, so I get to work at my regular time of 9:00.

And there is literally NO ONE on my floor.

My entire department: missing. Every surrounding cubicle: empty. My boss and my boss's boss: gone.

Maybe three people, max, wander in during the next 15 to 20 minutes. I figure, as long as I'm here, I might as well do something. Turn on my computer, open up my e-mail...

...and read a message from the executive director, sent at 8am, after I had already left the house, stating that we don't have to come in if the weather is bad.

God damn it.

About 15 minutes later, another message goes out, stating that the office will be closing at 10:30 due to inclement weather.

God damn it!

So, basically, I battled my way through SNOWMAGEDDON!!! HALP!!! for a whole lousy hour and a half.

...which I spent on Twitter.


  1. wasn't it nice that you got to go home though? In your crazy leopard print boots? I am in NY for a travel show which did not get canceled and I did not bring any fun boots. Still had fun, though:-)

  2. True, I was definitely stoked to go home, especially since the e-mail also stated that all who had come in would be awarded an extra vacation day, so now I actually have one again! Woot!

  3. Twitter? I should get an account! :)
