Friday, February 12, 2010

Why I Am Excited To An Unhealthy Level About Survivor 20: Heroes vs. Villains

First challenge, only about 20 minutes in: one dislocated (and relocated) shoulder [Stephenie is one tough chick], one broken toe, and one topless chick flipping everyone the bird.

That helicopter entrance was intense. And the Villains have the much cooler theme music.

Probst: "How does it feel to be labeled a villain?"
Boston Rob: "Wait — I'm a villain?"


No way should Candice be a Hero. I will never forgive her for jumping ship back to the White People team on her season. And I have no idea who Danielle is. Anyone...?

Tom: The Chicken Stalker. (I'm pretty sure those are Shambo's escaped chickens from last season.)

Love Connection: Coach and Jerri are the new Rob and Amber — the disturbing version.

Sandra: "I'll bet you a dollar he falls in the water." LOL!

Cirie vs. Amanda: The Revenge — this time, it's personal.

Heroes LOSE the first immunity challenge!

GO VILLAINS! Get your evil on. >:)


  1. I freakin' love this show. And I don't care if Colby had a weird shower scene with his own mother ten years ago, he's still a hottie. Rowwwr.

    Wait, was it a shower? Or in the back of a car or something? I forget.

  2. Whoa...whatever it was, it must have been so traumatic that I blocked it out because I do NOT remember anything like that!

    Colby was my very first Survivor crush. Then Lex and Ethan. Ian. Yul. Shane. Todd. I know I'm forgetting some. But there will always be a special place in my heart for Tyson. Oh weird, skinny, hipster-Mormon of the awesome sound bites and bizarre sparkly underwear, how I've missed you...
